...::: International House of Prayer :::...

quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008

It's about Jesus!

Colossians 1:16 (Msg.) “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, … everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him.”

Bertrand Russell, atheist : “Unless you assume [there is] a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless.”

It’s not about me.

Three Insights:

1. Relationship with Jesus leads to discovery of my identity and purpose.

2. God planned me without my input. I may many things about my life, but not its purpose!

3. My purpose interacts in God’s larger, cosmic purpose.

Pt. 2 Ponder: “It’s not about me!”

Verse 2 Remember: Col. 3:16b (Msg.) “Everything got started in Him and finds it’s purpose in Him.”

Question 2 Consider : How can I remind myself that life is really about Christ?

Answer : By thinking about God first thing in the morning, when I first wake up; ask God to open my eyes and ears and soften my heart toward my fellow mankind. Think how is what I am about to do, don’t do, say or don’t say going to impact this person. Is it for the greater good of them or does it merely scratch my itch?

What drives most people? Success, Wealth, Health

What drives me? Financial needs, Physical / emotional gratification

Metaphor for my life : Merry go Round - jumping from horse to horse, going in a circle headed no where.

REMEMBER:"It's not about you,everything about God".


terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2008

Bom,tava pensando ontem de como as vezes somos tomados por nosso sentimentos,de como as vezes a nossa tristeza faz-nos ficar parados,estragnados,como zumbis,nos faz deixar de adorar,nos faz esquecer do verdadeiro sentido da vida,enquanto é nessas horas qe precisamos entregar nosso sentimentos para Deus e correr para o Seu trono,etregar nosso sentimentos a Ele,fazer dEle um amigo.E quando nosso sentimentos são entregues há abundancia de alegria,paz e conforto.Por isso hoje tente fazer isso,faça do seu Deus seu AMIGO,experimente contar tudo o qe acontece com voce e entregar a Ele.Começe colocando uma musika qe toque seu coração,e então tente contar tudo o que esta tem acontecendo a Ele,quando se sentir confortado, agradeça-O,pois voce estra pronto para retomar sua vida.Lembre-se sempre qe se sentir assim,faça isso.

"....Porque a Presença de Deus está ali há abundancia de Alegria" Darlene Zschech


segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008

This is not about Bekah
It's not about Who am I...Or where I've been...It's not about Lights and Sound...or Lyrics and Melodies...It's not about religious expression...or christian entertainment...This is about Peolple...Conecting with God... Who is all about the people...

We'll Sing...
We'll Dance...
We'll Love...
With Hearts as One!


Hi Guys,

bom,gente nunka escrevi um blog antes,mas prometo qe
daki pra frente vou fazer de tudo pra melhorar =)
akii eu espero postar about minha vida,
tomara qe possa ajudar a de vcs To find the right way!

agora só basta wait e postar.

see ya!